Conjure a little ray of sunshine wherever you go. Let me be a reminder of the warmth of a summer’s day no matter how dark or cloudy the skies may be. Allow me to brighten, clear and energize your mood and space. And remember there’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine at different times.
About Me
Nickname: Solaris
Properties: Vitality | Brighten | Sensuality | Abundance | Expressive + Sacral
Birthstone: August - September
Zodiacs: Leo
Rarity: Relatively Rare
Origins: United States, Mexico, China, Namibia, and Madagascar
Chemical Composition: Calcium (Ca) ranging from 70–50% and Sodium (Na) ranging from 30– 50%
Mineral Class: Silicates: orthoclase and plagioclase feldspar groups