Blue Lace Agate
My soft blues and delicate white lace patterns are like the gentle flow of air; a graceful flight across an open sky. I am a companion to those with gentle souls or those struggling with stress. Slow down and calm yourself. In this gentle space find the words you need to ensure that you are heard. Speak your truth firmly and gently and bring about your transformation. And for those who speak before thinking, take a breath, calm yourself and understand the sanctity of silence.
About Me
Nickname: The Sound of Silence
Chakras: Throat
Properties: Communication | Transformation |Confidence | Calmness | Clarity
Birthstone: September
Zodiacs: Pisces
Rarity: Becoming Rare
Origins: Namibia, South Africa, Romania
Hardness MOHS: 6.5 - 7
Chemical Composition: Belongs to the chalcedony family; a type of microcrystalline quartz. The blue is attributed to the presence of trace amounts of minerals like copper, manganese, and iron.
Mineral Class: Silicates