Clear Quartz
Purify your mind, I will make things clear to you... My gift is patience and focus. Look at things from a new and positive perspective, free of judgement. Find the silver lining and make peace with your actions and words. I have the ability to amplify the pro.
About Me
Nickname: The Master Crystal
Properties: Purify | Focus | Positivity | Patience | Amplify
Chakras: All chakras
Birthstone: March
Zodiacs: All
Rarity: Common
Origins: Brazil, Madagascar, India, USA
Hardness MOHS: 7
Chemical Composition: SiO2 Silicon Dioxide
Mineral Class: Quartz group
Appearances & Origins
Clear Quartz is one of the most abundant crystals in the world. It can develop in a wide range of environments and may present as clear and transparent, translucent, opaque, or slightly tinted. The highest and purest quality Clear Quartz is the clearest and less cloudy, however, this does not affect its beauty nor energetic ability. Some of our favourite Clear Quartz is full of inclusions and actually adds to the uniqueness of each piece.
Many ancient cultures have different meanings for Clear Quartz. In Japan it is known as the ‘perfect jewel’, because it symbolizes peace, purity and patience.
Even though quartz makes up a huge portion of the Earth’s surface, there are only three places in the world that have enough high-quality crystal to warrant mining: Brazil, Madagascar, and the Mt. Ida Mountain ranges of Arkansas.
Clear Quartz is heralded for its use in many forms of modern-day technology. Did you know a Quartz watch actually has a tiny Clear Quartz tuning fork inside that keeps frequency and produces electricity helping it to tick!? It is also used to run all kinds of computers, LCDs, Cars, Satellites and even the chip in your credit card!
Chakras & Placement
While Quartz properties can connect to and aid all chakra’s, Clear Quartz specializes in helping to activate the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is your energetic passageway from your basic consciousness to your Higher Self; aka your spiritual antenna.
Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone amongst all crystals. Known as the ‘stone of power’ and the ‘master healer’, it is able to clear stagnant energy, amplify energy and increase the power of other crystals.
By placing your crystals on a large Clear Quartz Cluster, Geode or platter, stagnant energy is cleared and your crystals are charged them back to their optimum frequency.
Clear Quartz has the ability to refract light and you may often find rainbow inclusions within the stone. Place a piece in an open-plan space such as a Living or Dining room and watch as beautiful rainbows and positive energy dance around all walls.
From a styling and healing perspective it is beautiful and minimal in Colour and works well with all other crystals.

Fresh Water

salt water
Be Careful

Sound Cleansing

smoke cleanse

sunlight exposure
Styling Clear Quartz