How Can Crystals Help Men? A Father's Day Blog

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How Can Crystals Help Men? A Father's Day Blog

Father’s Day: A day to honour the father figures in our lives. The men (or women) that embody strength, charisma, balance, and protection. The people in our lives that try their hardest to keep us safe, give us what we need, and make us feel loved. 


What does the word Dad mean to you?

To me it resembles a voice, someone who listens, has a mild chuckle and gently nudges me back on the right path. Someone who is there to catch me if I stumble and fall. Someone who will protect me and keep me safe. 

The role of a Father has changed drastically over the years. Known as the “hunter-gatherers” in the palaeolithic times, Dad’s are much more involved in their children’s lives in today’s age. They are constantly told to “man-up”, “be strong”, “men don’t cry” but times are changing and the words spread around masculinity are forming in a new light. Father’s Day is an opportunity to ask, “are you okay” or “can I help with anything”. Can I support you?

Men’s health all-too-often goes unchecked though I believe that today, if not every day, is a day to check in. Have a think today of the people in your life that resemble those masculine traits. They could be quiet, they could be fierce, they could be goofy, hip, or playful. Whoever they are, keep them in your mind and your heart and give them all the love you have. Call them up and tell them how you feel. Tell them what they have given you, and how you are stronger and fiercer, loving and caring, because of them. Feeling gratitude in your heart because they made you who you are.



Crystals (or rocks some may say), provide an opportunity to reflect and feel what is stirring up inside. Gems can be styled around the home and act as natural sculptures. Any time you walk past that crystal, you have a chance to stop, focus, and consider how you can bring what that crystal represents into your world. They can inspire with a single paused moment, breathing new life into you. Life is meant to be spent with a good pause, to ponder and change direction. We are meant to flow with it, not try to control it. So get the father figure in your life a crystal to remind him that everything is okay and that he is strong and capable. 

Let today, and every day, be a day to support the superheroes, the givers, the Dad’s to us.


Fathers Day words from Sebastian Bellino, father of Stoned Crystals Founder, Ashley Bellino:

“Vincenzo, my Papa (Ashley’s grandfather) one day found himself responsible for a family of 5 children and a mother after his Father died from a common post-war disease. Vincenzo was in his early 20’s and his siblings were all younger than him. The youngest being 5 years old. There was no question that it was his responsibility, and he immediately took his role seriously. A year later, he left Italy (Sicily) to migrate to Australia in an effort to make a life for him and his family. World War 2 had left little hope back home. Italy was in economic ruin.

He worked hard and sent all the money he earned to his mother in Sicily. All he kept was enough for food, rent and cigarettes. After a couple of years, he brought his family over to Australia including his new wife, my Mother. I was born 9 months later. Today’s Dads have quite different responsibilities. Although life isn’t “hand to mouth” as it was, we still have a duty to provide support, encouragement and a good example. When you’re a child, this all may be taken for granted. But it will mould you into the adult you eventually become.

Mothers are usually considered the nurturer and sole provider of emotional support. It’s not my view. My Papa didn’t kick a ball with me. He didn’t come to watch me play football very often. He didn’t take an interest in my hobbies. But he taught me the value of living in a loving environment. His actions by being affectionate to my Mama and us kids run deep in my being. He was always there for his siblings, mother, wife and children…like a God. Consequently, I felt loved. He wanted his children and grandchildren around him as much as possible. We always ate together. There was no taking your dinner to your room and eating on your own.

I have beautiful memories of my childhood. My parents and grandparents gave me a feeling of belonging…togetherness. That no one was better than me, but also not think that I was superior to others. Today, Dads enjoy having a kick with their boys, playing X-Box or reading to their children. This is good for bonding, but doesn’t address the emotional connection. My Papa did none of these things, but he gave me a feeling of confidence that no matter what, he will be there to protect me. He died a week before his 91st birthday. I had turned 60.

He was/is still my hero.”

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